Monday, February 26, 2007

This past weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us. Frday Chuck had been offered the Administrative Assistant position at his place of employment. Yes, it's a secretary position, but its geared more towards his Business degree than his truck driving job and it's the job he wanted anyway. I guess the original sec. had up and quit Fri. morning so Chuck starts Mon (today). He's not too worried about it, he's filled in as temp. sec. before so he already is familiar w/ it.

Then Friday afternoon Brenden came over and spent the night. Had a great time, he has turned out to be such a good 11 year old. And a big help too!

Saturday we had the family over for a birthday dinner for the dad. It went well, Chuck and I are thinking of having a family get together at least 1 a month.

That evening Carrie and Zac (my step-nephew) asked to stay the night. It was fun, they were real good. We did worry Zac would get homesick and want to go home at midnight. This was his first time staying w/ us, he usually chickens out at the last minute. Ken picked 'em up Sunday evening, the house now seems sooooo empty!

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