Thursday, March 06, 2008

And the president is...

Every morning my husband watches the weather on the news and when he leaves for work I continue watching The Early Show that comes on after the mid-Michigan news. I have been watching the primary debates that are going on right now. I have registered to vote for the first time in this next presidential election, I have never voted before so I am pretty excited. I mostly registered because I am sick and tired of the horrible job that Bush has done! The first time he was running, I don't know how to explain it I just know there was something I didn't like about him so I did not want him in the office. He was doing a poor job so the second time I did not want him in the office anymore at all, after hearing he won I said to myself "and now our country is going to s**t!"... it's amazing how right I was (guess my instincts are right after all!). So I decided to vote this next time hopefully to keep guys like Bush out of the office.

These presidential debates were really exciting at first, but are now getting really old. Mostly because of who is left running, especially on the Republican side. Yes, I agreed with Giuliani and his views on abortion, but that is where the similarity ended. I really didn't care that he dropped out at the beginning. That other guy, the actor from Law & Order, I knew nothing about and I do not feel bad that he is not running anymore. Then there were three Republicans left; Mick Romney, John McCain and Mike Huckabee. I just loved Mike Huckabee. He stood for basically every thing I believed in, I so wanted him to be our next president! I am still very disappointed that he has lost. I was telling my mom a couple of months ago that Romney is throwing fits like a little two year old, always blaming Huckabee for taking his votes that he needed and telling Huckabee that he should drop out. When debating here in Michigan I was for Huckabee all the way but this state voted for Romney, no wonder Michigan is in the s**thouse! They are the biggest bunches of idiots I have ever been a part of, this state even voted for Bush! I guess the main reason they voted for Romney was because I guess his Dad was Governor of Michigan or Something. But anyways, Romney dropped out after trying to convince Huckabee to drop out. So then there were two... McCain and Huckabee. I did not know anything about McCain only that he looks really old so I looked him up on the Internet to read what his views are. , he is just like Bush! I kept telling my husband that Bush is going to back him! The debates took place in the southern states so I did not hear much about Huckabee anymore, I mostly heard about McCain. Well Huckabee did lose and McCain ended up winning the Republican side. Now on the news is talk about how Bush is giving McCain his full endorsement and is backing him 100%. That scared me because I do not want to suffer with another Bush as president! I find it weird that my instinct told me Bush was going to back McCain and now he is!

Now the only Democratic debaters I know about are Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. These two have been going at it for a while now. When I registered I had a slight feeling that Clinton would run but I had no idea that this Obama guy was going to run. I knew absolutely nothing of Obama, and I still don't! I have never even heard of him before. I don't understand him nor what his views are but I do know that his policies are geared to a change, but what kind of change? I do not want any kind of change, I just want an improvement. Mainly to clean up the mess Bush has created. That is what Clinton says she wants to do. For a while there we all thought Obama would win but Clinton surprised us by winning the bigger states. I was happy about this, I want her to win , I do not want Obama and McCain to be on the ballot, I would rather have an experienced women who will get the job done! That is one thing that makes me very angry with Obama, he keeps whining and complaining that Hillary does not have any experience. She has a lot more experience than he does! We all know that while Bill Clinton was in office Hillary was the one basically running the country. Why do you think everyone knows Bill as "Billary"? Anyways Hillary, you definitely have my vote. If she does not win I am definitely voting for an independent.


Dawn Allenbach said...

Since you don't know anything about Obama, you should do like you did with McCain -- look him up. Make your decision an informed one, because "I don't know anything about him but I've heard Hillary's name" is really not a good excuse for not voting for someone.

It's not too big a leap to say who Bush is going to endorse because Repubs endorse Repubs and Dems endorse Dems. Bush would endorse Barney the Dinosaur if he were a Repub.

Michelle said...

I did try to look Obama up, but my computer started to do a spyware scan so I could not get very far. Then I totally forgot about it, but I do plan to read about him before making a final voting decision! I wrote this when I was angry with Obama when I heard him talking about how Clinton will not be able to run the country because she has never run anything before and being a First Lady does not count!

Kim R. said...


I really like Obama and agree with a lot of his opinions. You should watch this video, where he talks about his views on disability:


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