Friday, September 29, 2006

In the beginning-Part 4: Final Episode

Candy and I didn't work out. We were practically inseparable when at K-state. Then I got married and moved, she had a son then moved where I was. I think in those few years we were apart, we both did some growing. In other words, we no longer saw eye-to-eye. I ended up letting her go and hiring a replacement. Chuck came back w/ an honorable discharge a few months later. He knew of the difficulties between Candy and I, so he hurried back to be w/ me.

Luckily Chuck's unit hadn't left New Jersey yet...However they were loading up to go to Iraq the day Chuck left base. I am happy he's back safely. He changed his MO to Transportation Specialist when he joined the reserves...that is the main thing the Taliban are focusing on, those poor truck drivers. There have been a lot of death due to this war. Several of those lives lost, my husband knew personally. Chuck said most of the guys in his barracks didn't really understand nor agree w/ this war. I may not agree w/ this war, but that does not mean I don't support our troops!!

Once Chuck came back at the end of April and enrolled into school starting the fall semester. We decided to stay in the apartment until we both graduated in '03.

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