Thursday, May 17, 2007

I love you Gina Bauer!

I received e-mail from Gina... Gina 2... about G. being in the hospital. This news took me by surprise. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been able to keep in contact with my fellow camp friends. She is like the glue that has held us together, I can't imagine how tough it may be its she is unable to pull through this.She got pretty sick this morning and went to St. Francis hospital by EMS. They had to intubate her and knocked out her two front teeth as they did. she has pneumonia and a collased lung. She is a fighter as we all know and we are lifing her up in prayer to the God she knows loves and trusts in. She has a hard time lately.. In this past year she has gotten somewhat weaker. But always ready to take on a new day. She is in ICU at this time. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

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