Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Missing camp

How was everyone's Memorial weekend? Mine was okay, nothing special happened. Chuck had a three day weekend and we didn't do anything much except I went to church on Sunday morning then we went to his dad's house and had a cook out. His dad tried awful hard to get Chuck and I to stay over night Sunday, but we left to come home. When we came home, Chuck lit a campfire in our fire pit. We have never had a fire before because we never had a place for the fire pit, now that we found a spot we may have them more often. The whole time I was at the campfire... which was hours... I did nothing but talk about my camp memories and sing campfire songs.

I miss camp, I really do! Is it possible for a person to be homesick for camp... campsick? If so I've got it bad!
Being sound asleep in the bottom bunk and suddenly hearing someone out in the hallway banging pots and pans to wake us up, nearly giving me a heart attack in the process!
Being made by the unit leaders to attend flag raising so we'll get unit points.
Walking out front door and feeling the cool air and walking/rolling to the flagpole, still half asleep and wondering if "he" will be out there.
Entering the mess hall and finding a spot at one of the tables for you and your attendant to sit and have breakfast.
Joining the rest of my unit after breakfast to help decorate and clean up our cabins to win "clean cabin".
Doing an arts and crafts activity down in the boy's cabin, usually we'd do this before lunch.
We would usually do another activity before lunch, like play sports... such as soccer or T-ball or have a water fight (which would turn into a shaving cream fight).
Then we'd go eat lunch and most likely sit by both our attendant and "him" and maybe his camper.
After lunch, we'd retire back to are cabins for a little rest and relaxation (although I do not think the older girl units got much R&R).
Opening the front door again and suddenly feeling the heat and the humidity of a hot summer day.
Going to the pool with towels in hand and being ready to go for a swim.
And being so excited because "he" asked me to swim with him.
Feeling the coolness of the water as it ran over your legs while you floated as your attendant pulled you in the water.
Hurrying to the concession stand for a drink and a snack after swimming, and flirting with "him".
At this time you were getting ready for a special evening, either it be the banquet, the talent show, the hayride, or the dance.
If it wasn't the banquet night, we would all headover to the mess hall for dinner.
Making sure I would sit by "him".
If it was banquet night, we would all get dressed up and do our hair and our makeup (all most like what you do for prom) and wait for our date to arrive.
More than likely it would be "him".
Walking into the mess hall with our date to see a dimly lit room with the tables scooted to make one long table, which were covered with a tablecloth and candles and decorations.
After our wonderful meal, we would walk/roll to the campfire, with our attendant and sing songs or watch the rookie attendants initiation.
Then we'd all go to bed and wait for the guys to give you goodnight kisses, especially from "him".
Except no one actually went to bed, we would all join in a room and share and recap our day and talk about what would happen tomorrow.
"Friends I will remember you, think of you, pray for you... and when the day is through, I'll still be friends with you".

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